First, I took the SeaBus across to North Vancouver to get a few shots of downtown from a distance.

Then I got on with my main, er, focus: I wanted to capture some interesting building decorations. You know, those bits that stick out that don't seem to have any useful purpose? I've been noticing lots and have meant to capture some of them.

"And for the kids, we also offer a roller coaster on the roof."

I sure could go for an ice cream cone. A waffle cone.

"What will we do with these leftover columns?"
"Hmm, I think I have an idea."

"Such a large piece of cheese ... if only we could grate it into thin slices ..."

"Well, I like the idea of a large pot of boiling oil on the roof to repel invaders ... but what if we get strong winds?"

"It's a nice building design, but where will we fit the cyclotron?"
"Hmm, I think I have an idea."

I love this: it's not just a tree on the roof ... it's a tree you could climb.

I also spent a bit of time inside the Vancouver Public Library, which has been used in Battlestar Galactica and The 6th Day.

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