Thursday 8 November 2012

New View

Last week my company moved into a new office. We used to be closer to the centre of downtown but now we're a few minutes' walk west. It wasn't until this week that we got some sun.

Today's autumn colours really wowed me, so here's the view of our 11th floor office (facing west), with Stanley Park, some sea, and distant mountains.

Tuesday 6 November 2012


You've heard of Movember, right? Where guys volunteer to grow a moustache for the month of November to promote mens' health issues? (If not, go here for more.)

I decided to take the plunge this year, as much as I dislike mo's. After the month turned, I let my beard grow a few days, then Sunday morning I shaved, having to remind myself to leave that upper lip alone. (I was, and still am, afraid I'd shave it off accidentally due to a lifetime of habit.) This is me Sunday afternoon.

If you want to track my follicular progress, or maybe donate a few bucks, visit Me, I can't wait until December to get this itchy lip scarf off of my face.