Monday 28 December 2009

Catching Up in Portland

We're in Portland, the second day of a holiday visit.

We left Vancouver early yesterday morning, waking up at 3 am to avoid a long wait at the border crossing. As a result, we had no slowdowns anywhere, breezing over the border, through Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia without any traffic congestion. We arrived at our friends' house mid-morning. Naps were had.

Today we took the girls ice skating at the Lloyd Center mall.

Then I took the MAX to downtown and caught up.

After being away, I mostly notice what's changed when I visit. I've noticed a lot of houses repainted in earth colours - greens and browns and oranges and some purples. I miss seeing so many character homes.

Walking around downtown, I reacquainted myself with things that make Portland Portland - like the bubblers (still running in the December chill) and the so-walkable small blocks - and lots of new things. Like how many of the rubbish bins have been replaced by solar-powered rubbish compactors. Two MAX lines running along the bus mall.

Two more surface parking lots have been repurposed. This former lot is now a new apartment tower with four highly-visible windmills at the top.

And with this former lot, the parking has moved underground, with a new park/square at surface level.

I visited my usual haunts, but splurged a little. The prices are considerably lower than what we pay in BC, and there's no sales tax also. I got a few software books at Powell's Technical bookstore, then a CD at Everyday Music, and the latest Word magazine at Rich's Cigars, a month before I'll see it in Chapters.

I'll probably have another chance to walk through downtown as we're here a few more days. I've also made plans with other mates for some brewpub dinners, and am looking forward to catching up with this year's holiday ales.

Friday 25 December 2009

Our Christmas Morning

Here are a few photos of our morning ...

Sunday 13 December 2009

Sarah Wears A DRESS

The music school Sarah and Margo attend had a recital this afternoon. Weeks ago Sarah decided she wanted to be in it. (Margo didn't.) So she's been practising Jingle Bells.

And, most interestingly, she decided she wanted to wear a dress to the recital. I helped her find one last weekend, along with white tights and black shoes.

Here are the girls dressed up for a choral concert last night:

At the recital today, Sarah said she was nervous before her turn (which was fortunately quite early in the program) but it didn't seem like it: she strode to the front and played her piece solidly.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Nanaimo, and Vancouver Christmas Lights

We've had a nice break from the rain this week. I took advantage of the sun yesterday to take a day off work and take a day trip to Nanaimo.

I left the house about the same time, taking a bus downtown and then another to West Vancouver and Horseshoe Bay. This is my ferry approaching.

After arriving about two hours later, I had a few hours to wander around, shop, and dine. Here are some of the pictures I took.

I got a midafternoon return ferry, and by the time I arrived back in Vancouver it was dark. I lingered in downtown to get some pictures of the Christmas lights, which I've been meaning to do for a while.