Sunday 18 September 2011


Yesterday Margo returned from a few days in Portland. She came back with her rented truck loaded with a china cabinet, a massive and heavy piece of furniture that's been in her family for some time. And she also brought back our old cat Emma.

We left Emma with Margo's cousins five years ago when we left the continent for Europe. On visits to Portland she no longer recognised us. We haven't been able to give her a good home until now ... when we were renting, one of the upstairs owners was allergic to cats.

She is slowly adapting to her new home. Just as she did in Portland when we brought her from the pet shelter, she pretty much disappeared at first; now she's taken residence under Margo's bed, coming out for food. I managed to get this shot just as she turned to retreat.

But she's slowly warming up. Margo says Emma let her pet her this afternoon.

We're keeping the cats away from each other for a while. Margo has a plan to introduce their smells to each other in a friendly way first. But we're hoping they are good company for each other: the rambunctious youngster and the wizened elder.

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