Sunday 4 September 2011

Neighbourhood Party

Yesterday afternoon I was pleasantly surprised to hear live music coming from the courtyard. A badminton net had been set up. Drinks and food and camp chairs were under the shade of a canopy. I introduced myself and enjoyed the music (performed by former students of a neighbour who teaches at the nearby high school). Later the girls joined us after their naps. I contributed a few bottles of wine and as it slowly disappeared, we met quite a few neighbours and guests. Sarah met lots of other kids - most are younger, but one is also starting middle school.

Sitting on the grass under a cloudless sky, enjoying food and drink and music and conversation, I kept remarking, "This is so great!" This sense of community is just what I'd hoped for. I look forward to contributing to it. I'll be participating in the next neighbourhood cleanup, and offered to help coordinate online tools. Margo will help coordinate Halloween activities with another of the neighbourhood mums. We're really happy top be here.

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