Monday 13 April 2009

Easter in Oregon

We have just returned from a nice visit with family and friends in Oregon for Easter Weekend. The trip didn't start particularly auspiciously as the queue to cross the border into the US was four and a half hours long! And then, we hit traffic in Seattle and Tacoma, turning a 5 1/2 hour drive into an 11 1/2 hour journey. Oh well, we made it in one piece and were welcomed by Tom and Lena and Nika at home in Portland. Our good friend Brenda was there also, having made the drive up from Eugene for our visit.

On Saturday, Mike did some exploring in Portland and met a friend for a short pub crawl in the afternoon. I spent the morning doing some shopping and then met Lena and the girls at the new community pool. In the evening David and Megan and their daughters joined us for a pot luck dinner.

Sarah and Nika were up bright and early for Easter baskets and an indoor egg hunt on Sunday morning.

After breakfast, Sarah and I headed out to the coast for a visit with Aunt Patty. Our friends Bill and Andy joined us for lunch and brought their new corgi puppy Oliver along. Sarah had a grand time with the dog and it was especially nice to have a visit with Patty. We also went to visit Grandpa in the hospital for a while in the afternoon.

We left Portland about 11 am Monday morning and had an uneventful trip home. Tomorrow it is back to school and work for everybody.


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