Saturday 25 May 2013

Margo's Graduation

Yesterday was Margo's graduation ceremony at UBC. Some of you saw the live webcast but here are some photo highlights.

Margo needed to get there well ahead of the ceremony, so with extra time to kill, Dave, Sarah and I visited the Museum of Anthropology. I'd not been before and it was quite impressive.

Here's Sarah doing the "I'm crushing your head!" with a totem.

Then we walked about a block to the lovely Chan Centre for the ceremony.

Margo was the very first graduate to be named. It kind of made an early climax for us as we had to sit through the procession of about a hundred other graduates. Here she is being awarded by the Vice Chancellor. The Chancellor herself is on the far right. On the far left is Margo's advisor, Richard, who also performed the duty of Macebearer, shouldering a massive ceremonial ... metal thing.

Dave meets Richard; they'd heard much of each other.

Richard and Margo.

Sarah tries on the funny hat.

And here's the paper.

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