Sunday 5 August 2012

Margo is a Warrior!

Yesterday I participated in the Warrior Dash at Mount Seymour in North Vancouver. This is a 5K race with obstacles scattered throughout the course. The obstacles included an assortment of walls and cargo nets to climb or to clamber over, crawls through muddy water and under barbed wire, etc. I was worried about completing the obstacles which turned out not to be too difficult. I was not worried at all about the 5K, as I figured I would probably walk for a lot of it. What I had not counted on was the entire course being on steep hills, on the hottest day of the year so far. The trudging up hill was challenging to say the least, but I got through it and finished, which was my goal.

Sarah and Mike came to cheer me on and to take pictures:

 Waiting in line for the shuttle up to the mountain

 Just having applied my ultra-cool Warrior Dash eye black

 Ready to race with my knee and elbow wraps and stylish gloves to protect my ladylike fingers and limbs from the crawls and the rope climbs! (With friends Elliot and Gareth)

 Almost to the end of the course here - two more obstacles left

 Jumping over flames! (Very anticlimatic, and this is the one I was worried about!)

 Emerging from the mud pit - again not so much mud, more just dirty water...

 At the finish line

 Wearing my medal, and feeling cooler after a couple glasses of water over the head!

 Sarah modelling my warrior hat

Me, after changing from muddy clothing and collecting my beer!

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