Wednesday 28 December 2011

Christmas Pics

We have had a really nice holiday this year. Sarah and I began her school vacation with a trip to Idaho to see Granny and Grandpa. We had a light dusting of snow while we were there and took a walk in the yard at dusk - here are some photos of the lovely sunset and of lovely Sarah...

Here are some more shots of the tree at home (after Santa came, ate up all of the Snickerdoodles, and left some gifts and filled the stockings).

And here are some photos of Mike and Sarah opening gifts on Christmas morning...

Here is a shot of me and Sarah...

And finally, a couple shots of Jupiter, the new kitty, playing with his stocking (which was stuffed with kitty treats that he really worked hard at extracting). Emma, our older cat, quite sensibly avoided the chaos and retreated to the basement while he horsed around with his toys.

I hope that all of you had as lovely a holiday as we did. We were feeling very grateful to be spending the day in our new home, and fortunate as always to be blessed with good friends and family all over the world.

1 comment:

SarahMariaNelson said...

I just realized how cute Jupiter looked.