Monday, 8 August 2011

Some pics of the work in progress

We have been very busy getting the house in order in preparation for the move this weekend. There has been a seemingly endless list of things to do - finishing up the painting prior to the installation of the floors being the most pressing. Now that is done, and I am turning my attention to refinishing the breakfast bar and wine pantry countertops, as well as a table and chairs acquired on Craiglist. ... and of course to packing.

The kitchen cabinets are all installed, and awaiting doors and shelves, and today the marble countertop went in, along with some of the wood flooring and the pads for the carpets. It is starting to look more like a house and less like a construction site every day.

Some of the snafus have included:

Once the flooring was removed, the subfloors turned out to be very uneven, so we had to endure a couple of days of grinding, and the removal of the dining room subfloor so that the joists could be shaved down. The house is absolutely covered in dust as the result of all of the extra work.

I purchased a couple quarts of paint, matched to chips from the bathroom and living room, and blithely went about touching up dings etc in the walls, only to discover that the paint didn't actually match all that well. I fretted about it all night, worried that I would have to entirely repaint the few rooms that hadn't really needed to be repainted to begin with. Fortunately, this morning I was able to mix a bit of white in and match the colours more exactly, and repaint all of my patches.

The countertop guy made an error in measurement and had to haul the granite counter back to the factory this morning to re-cut - delaying all of the work in the house by a couple of hours.

All of it is actually not too major, and I anticipate that the floors will all be done by Wednesday - with the kitchen to be completed on Wednesday or Thursday.


Bar countertop

Sarah in her bedroom (carpet pad down, carpets come tomorrow)

Family room - floors almost complete here

Family room and eating area - kitchen is to the left

Starting to look like an actual place where a person might be able to cook!

The new countertop

 The countertop and sink - still needs to be connected!

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