Being a weekend, and not raining, the lines were quite long, and we had to wait about half an hour just to get in. Inside, there were still lines for most anything of interest.

Bavarian sausages, pretzels, and other Continental foods were available. For drink, there was hot Gluwhein (spiced red wine), hot spiced apple cider, and taps of Paulaner beer - Weissbier, Dunkel, and the famous Salvator Doppelbock. Goods such as Christmas ornaments could also be had.
A packed performance roster of musicians kept things lively also.

A collection of kids' activities was available. Sarah chose one where she got to decorate her own chocolate lollipop.

But we didn't linger. After long waits for overpriced food, we were eager to go home. On the way back through downtown we did stop and check out the Christmas tree in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Back home, Margo heated some Merlot with brandy, sugar, spices and fresh orange to make a hot mulled wine way tastier than the $8 half-cup we'd had earlier. I put on Christmas tunes while Sarah and Margo decorated our tree.

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