Monday 23 November 2009


The girls have been practising Christmas carols on the piano. Not hearing the words lets the mind wander. I'm impressed that so many carols have first lines with the same meter as the phrase "Sarah is a spanking head."

Sarah does not seem to appreciate this correlation.

I am not learning any Christmas songs, though I might be persuaded to lay a wicked guitar solo on top of one. I may spend time re-learning Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, which I learned about fifteen years ago as a Christmastime gift for mates, driving from house to house with my portable keyboard. It was one octave too small so I had to transpose a few notes near the end.

I will definitely continue my tradition of spiking the punch, sonically. At this time of year, I am forced to hear the same old Christmas songs (although we do have some cool versions) randomly cycling from the iPod. So if I have to listen to such sludge, I might as well make it tough on the others as well. Last year I tortured a carol and tagged the MP4 as "Bleu Christmas" by Jacque Froste. This year's will be even worse.

1 comment:

SarahMariaNelson said...

Wicked guitar playing? Sorry, but I'm not aware you are able to even play the guitar.