The old town of Dubrovnik is small and is surrounded by a high city wall, about 2 kilometers total circumference, and I bought a ticket and took a walk around the top. Other than the initial climb up the steps it isn't too taxing, but I felt slightly queasy the whole time due to the height. Still the views were outstanding and I can enjoy them now that I am not actually on top of the wall!

After descending from the walk around the town, I took some photos of the narrow streets and some of the more interesting buildings.
There is still a lot of damage from the war - much of it being repaired currently, some still pretty much rubble. In the foreground is one of the many semi-feral cats that I saw in Dubrovnik - lots of them in Cavtat also. They look pretty healthy and well-fed, although the adults are much smaller than North American felines.
Big Onofrio's Fountain: built in 1448. This is what survives the 1667 earthquake that destroyed most of the city.
Detail of fountain
One of the many narrow streets in the town.

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